So a couple of things have happened since the last blog so I will bring you up to date!
First: I had a nightmare that I got an email from David that said he and Arielle had changed their minds and decided they didn't want to work with me. When I woke up the next morning, I rolled over, grabbed my phone, and checked my email since Gabby was still asleep. Among a sprinkle of various other emails sat an email from David that had arrived at 1:26 am. Oh crap... While I thought it was only a nightmare, it was completely real. I proceeded to read every email except for his. Yes, courageous, I know. I finally worked up the nerve to open the email. I almost cried tears of relief when I read it! It was sweet and to the point. He said he had gotten my stuff and wanted to set up a phone call to get things rolling. Hallelujah!
Second: David and I talked on the phone this past tuesday. I really am not sure how much I should discuss about what sort of intern work I'm doing for him so I guess I'm going to leave it at that. We spent a majority of the phone call discussing the details of my intern work that I started immediately. The time I spend doing my intern work will essentially "barter" their time spent working on helping me get my book published. When we hung up the phone, we had a plan of spending about an hour on the phone dissecting my pitch in a week or two. So, once we have done that, I will post my pitch for you guys to read. Yay!
Third: Completely unrelated to the book, but even more important... Gabriella Grace turned 1!!!!!
Gabby's pretty darn cute. Love the cake picture.